
Smoke Cleaning Service

Odor Removal Experts of Orange County is a smoke removal service based in Tustin, CA but servicing all of Orange County, CA. We have years of experience as a smoke cleaning service and we use the best smoke cleaning technology, an ozone generator, to accomplish this.

Cigarette Smoke Removal in a San Clemente Manufactured Home

We did cigarette smoke removal on this manufactured home in San Clemente

This was an interesting situation in which the homeowner was a smoker but her tenant was a non-smoker. The homeowner was interested in keeping their tenant happy and so hired us to do cigarette smoke removal. The owner is on disability and so is dependent upon her income from their tenant. We travelled down to San Clemente in order to do this job. What we found was a 1,200 square foot manufactured home. Based on the size and intensity of the cigarette smell we estimated that one, single-day treatment would do the job. In the case of most rental properties the ideal is when the house has been emptied completely and all surfaces cleaned including carpet and drapes. In the case of this home that was not possible so we open all of the doors and drawers in order to allow ozone to reach…

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Smoke Smell Removal after Mattress Fire in Townhome, Cypress

Smoke Smell Removal Cypress, CA

This was a situation where roommate or guest was a cigarette smoker and they fell asleep on a memory foam mattress which lead to burning and fire in the mattress. The “cigarette smoldering in the mattress” smell permeated entire house. The source of the odor, the burned up mattress, had been removed by the time we arrived. Because this property was a townhouse and because townhouses (condos) often share walls with neighboring units between which air flows freely we used plastic sheeting and non-stick blue masking tape to keep the ozone from traveling to areas that we don’t want to impact, the like their neighbors. As with every job we use multiple air movers to distribute the ozone as evenly as possible throughout the property. This condo in Cypress, CA ended up being a one-day job even though it had two-levels with 3-bedrooms, and…

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Cigarette Smoke Removal – Irvine, CA

Cigarette Smoke Removal Irvine, CA

We were hired to remove the cigarette smoke smell from this single family home on Grant in the Northwood neighborhood of Irvine, CA by the realtor who was selling the property. While this house was empty at the time we can and do work in occupied houses. This was a 2200 – 2400 sq. ft. family residence. We treated the entire property except for 2 bedrooms on 2nd floor. It is not uncommon for clients to have us leave different rooms or areas out. Some people may request us to treat “only living room” at their home, assuming that the majority of the smell is there in their living room. This entire procedure was completed within 24-hour, from 3:30 PM to 3:30 PM. Illustration 01: Ozone machine set up and plugged in to timer in an upstairs bedroom, Y-shoots off to left, can be…

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